Career Mastery Challenge

I want to share with you a free resource from a career coach who I hold in high regard. Her name is May Busch and she has a special gift for identifying your passions and helping you turn them into reality. May is offering a free Career Mastery Challenge this January that will be sure to help you get started toward  following your dream. I am including the information below. Best of luck!


Now in its third year, Career Mastery™ Challenge 2016 is a popular and free online event from May Busch, former COO of Morgan Stanley Europe, to help you make 2016 your best year yet.


The Challenge consists of a series of Career Mastery™ Tips. These are “bite-sized” chunks of hands-on advice based on May’s experiences from her successful 24-year career.


The Challenge starts Monday 11th January 2016 when you will receive 3 Career Mastery™ Tips each week for 4 weeks. Simply read or watch a Tip, put it into action the same day, and start to see results immediately.


In addition, May will be helping you along the way by answering your questions and comments. This aspect of the Challenge is normally only available to her 1-on-1 executive coaching clients. So people find this most useful and valuable.


Click here to sign up now – it’s free


In this year’s Tips, you will discover:


  • How to manage your time to have greater impact
  • How to show initiative, creativity and leadership in a highly visible way
  • How to handle the three kinds of decisions you’ll face
  • How to prepare for the next step in your career
  • And more ways to advance your career


As previous years’ participants have experienced, the Challenge is a great way to kick off the year in a positive, focused and effective way. You will build up momentum and set a great foundation for the year ahead.


When you sign up now, you’ll get instant access to May’s “10-Point Guide For Making 2016 Your Best Year Yet” and a chance to win a 1-Hour Coaching Call with May.


The FREE Career Mastery™ Challenge is a great way to start the New Year.


Click here to find out more and sign up today


Best wishes for a happy and successful New Year!