One of the greatest determinants of success for ambitious middle level managers is the existence of a sponsor. Sponsorship, unlike mentorship, is a two-way street in which protégés and sponsors… read more →
This is reprinted from the Smith College Alumnae website. It’s advice for college seniors and recent grads. For all you Smith seniors, graduation is looming large, and many of you… read more →
Wouldn’t it be nice to finish interviewing a candidate and be able to say, “This is the one” or even “This isn’t the one!” But so often, we’re left somewhere… read more →
Many smart young women today know to find mentors, network and self-advocate, but don’t always take the next step. Do they assume their mentor is always right? Could… read more →
Through your early career, it will seem like everyone you work with will be senior to you. They will be. And damn it- sucking up to them is unfortunately part of… read more →
It was when I called my naval officer father by his first name that he told me I was “bordering on insubordination.” No joke. I wanted to laugh, but even… read more →
Before the C.I.A. went live with their invasion of Osama Bin Laden’s enclave, they Red Teamed the operation. I had never heard of Red Teaming before this week, but it… read more →
It’s time to come clean. I was, or am, (not really sure… once one, always one?) an investment banker. I was in hiding for a while, especially during the early days… read more →
College students often find that pursuing a major gives them the freedom they never had in high school. The only downside for students pursuing their academic passion is the possibility… read more →
I would like to say I had a plan my senior year in college, but it was more of a lemming approach; my friends were interviewing with investment banks so… read more →
One of my readers wrote that she wanted to hear about unconventional ways to grow a career. She probably realized that the career track her parents followed isn’t relevant today.… read more →
Yesterday I spoke to a group of students at George Washington University about professionalism. GWU’s Career Development office selected the topic because recently-employed alumni were having difficulties adjusting to their… read more →
Even though it’s not unusual for a prospective hirer to ask “What is your current salary?” the question always sounds invasive. Maybe that’s why job candidates don’t spend much time… read more →
The sale begins when the customer says no.” That was the motto of a top salesperson at Merrill Lynch when I worked there. At the time I thought the saying… read more →
You probably realized soon after you arrived at college that by the time you are a senior you better have a resume that grabs recruiters’ attention. The easiest way to… read more →
I recently wrote this article for Smith College’s Alumnae website and Wellesley College’s Career website. Enjoy. My father’s playful saying, “You can tell a Smith graduate…but you can’t tell her… read more →
I could smell the take-out breakfast, lunch and dinner that filled the trashcans of the Analyst Bullpen, a collection of cubicles I now called home. It was midnight and I… read more →
When you start a job right out of school, you’re probably closer in rank to most of the administrative assistants in your group than you are to the officers. At… read more →
Hi Readers. Sorry I have been a bit out of touch recently. I’ve been busy writing a career book that will be released on October 7th (Peterson’s Publishing/Hachette Distribution).… read more →
January 15, 2014 …………In 2014 you would have to live in a cave not to know that networking is critical to almost every aspect of your career. The message to… read more →