Through your early career, it will seem like everyone you work with will be senior to you. They will be. And damn it- sucking up to them is unfortunately part of… read more →
Before the C.I.A. went live with their invasion of Osama Bin Laden’s enclave, they Red Teamed the operation. I had never heard of Red Teaming before this week, but it… read more →
Email, used heavily in the corporate world over the past 15 years, has made businesses much more efficient. But office emailing can drag you down when you have to wade… read more →
It’s time to come clean. I was, or am, (not really sure… once one, always one?) an investment banker. I was in hiding for a while, especially during the early days… read more →
Every company has an unwritten set of rules. These are the rules that no one reveals; you just have to figure them out on your own. But it’s important that… read more →
Ever had a relationship go south? Somebody disappointed someone else and everyone suffered. Maybe it could have all been avoided if you each knew what the heck the other one… read more →
If you’re reading this article you are serious about your career. And if you’re serious about your career, you may already be among the top performers of your peer group… read more →
If you’ve been to business meetings, you know they can be dry, lengthy and confusing, but you’re probably still glad you were invited. Attending a meeting is a reward, or… read more →
My neighbor, Kathy, ran Human Resources for a large fragrance company. When I first got to know Kathy, I would leave our conversation thinking how much fun she was. But… read more →
You probably realized soon after you arrived at college that by the time you are a senior you better have a resume that grabs recruiters’ attention. The easiest way to… read more →
My first business trip at my post-college job in NYC was to glamorous Los Angeles. The hotel, located next to a prestigious Hollywood theatre, was supposedly frequented by celebrities; I… read more →
Last week, a doctor in charge of my father’s hospital care refused to call for a specialist to join the team. During our brief interaction, the doctor was also rude,… read more →
After months of job search agony, you might have an urge to immediately accept any offer you receive. But before you give a final answer, take time to learn a… read more →
If you’ve ever made a recommendation to your manager only to be told “That’s great, but we’re going a different route” you may wonder why you wasted time working on… read more →
Now that the election is over, we can all be happy there are no more snipey political ads, no more intrusive political phone calls, and; no more annoying candidate diatribes.… read more →
I could smell the take-out breakfast, lunch and dinner that filled the trashcans of the Analyst Bullpen, a collection of cubicles I now called home. It was midnight and I… read more →
The following is a reprint of an article I wrote for the Barnard College Career Newsletter. For most of my grammar school years, I happily pictured myself singing and performing… read more →
The following is a reprint of an article I wrote for the Barnard College Career Newsletter. According to the Barnard curriculum catalog, an anthropology major should be able to “develop… read more →
There’s nothing better than having a mentor at work—someone to offer you guidance in your career, give you advice on your day-to-day responsibilities, and help you succeed within the organization.… read more →
There’s nothing better than having a mentor at work—someone to offer you guidance in your career, give you advice on your day-to-day responsibilities, and help you succeed within the organization.… read more →