Tyler Perry, is a successful actor, producer, director, screenwriter, playwright, author, and songwriter; he’s one of the hardest working celebrities in Hollywood. Notice, I didn’t say “most talented”. He may… read more →
My webinar for the Association of Talent Development, titled Prepare Now to Lead Later is on ATD’s website and you can access it with this LINK
The Financial Times featured Learn, Work, Lead: Things Your Mentor Won’t Tell You in its yearly round-up of books titled “Reader’s Favorite Books of 2014.” Read the full article HERE… read more →
During a job interview, much of the focus is on the job candidate’s skills, experience, and qualifications. But the interview process can also be an important way for the interviewee… read more →
Many smart young women today know to find mentors, network and self-advocate, but don’t always take the next step. Do they assume their mentor is always right? Could… read more →
It was when I called my naval officer father by his first name that he told me I was “bordering on insubordination.” No joke. I wanted to laugh, but even… read more →
It’s time to come clean. I was, or am, (not really sure… once one, always one?) an investment banker. I was in hiding for a while, especially during the early days… read more →
Ever had a relationship go south? Somebody disappointed someone else and everyone suffered. Maybe it could have all been avoided if you each knew what the heck the other one… read more →
One of the most stressful aspects of your job search might be selecting which offer to accept. And your anxiety might have nothing to do with comparing your choices –… read more →
I couldn’t wait to go to work when I graduated from college. My own apartment…getting to dress like a real adult…no homework…and (let me say that again) …no homework. I… read more →
College students often find that pursuing a major gives them the freedom they never had in high school. The only downside for students pursuing their academic passion is the possibility… read more →
In today’s economy, many college and graduate students are accepting job offers in companies they consider second tier. If their dream jobs from Google, Procter and Gamble, J.P. Morgan, IBM… read more →
I would like to say I had a plan my senior year in college, but it was more of a lemming approach; my friends were interviewing with investment banks so… read more →
If you’ve been to business meetings, you know they can be dry, lengthy and confusing, but you’re probably still glad you were invited. Attending a meeting is a reward, or… read more →
In a recent YEC/Buzz Marketing study of young professionals, 79% of respondents were interested in entrepreneurship. Anyone, Generation Y or not, who read about Facebook’s suggested IPO market capitalization of… read more →
Considering the pressure put on students to obtain the perfect job after college, it’s surprising that the majority of them leave their work within the first two years. Today’s Generation… read more →
Last week, a doctor in charge of my father’s hospital care refused to call for a specialist to join the team. During our brief interaction, the doctor was also rude,… read more →
There’s nothing better than having a mentor at work—someone to offer you guidance in your career, give you advice on your day-to-day responsibilities, and help you succeed within the organization.… read more →
There’s nothing better than having a mentor at work—someone to offer you guidance in your career, give you advice on your day-to-day responsibilities, and help you succeed within the organization.… read more →
Hi Readers. Sorry I have been a bit out of touch recently. I’ve been busy writing a career book that will be released on October 7th (Peterson’s Publishing/Hachette Distribution).… read more →