Choosing Between Job Offers

One of the most stressful aspects of your job search might be selecting which offer to accept. And your anxiety might have nothing to do with comparing your choices – it may be your fear of disappointing someone that was supportive along the way. My thoughts? To Thine Own Self Be True.

A friend of mine, Eddie, had a similar decision, but if involved offers to play soccer at two Ivy League schools. Already, you’re not feeling sorry for him but I’m not lying, he was distraught. One coach had courted him for months and gave him consistent attention when others hadn’t. That coach made an offer early and kept in touch. Coming late to the game was Coach Two, who quickly invited Eddie to campus to watch him play. He studied Eddie’s tapes, made reference checks and in an unusually compacted two weeks, made an offer. Eddie immediately felt that the second college was the right school for him; but he nearly accepted the offer from Coach One because he felt indebted. Coach One was the first college coach to show continual interest during a process that also delivered some big disappointments. Eddie’s parents didn’t disagree with him. They had always taught him to be supportive of those who had helped him. Fortunately, his high school coach advised Eddie that he needed to go with his heart.

Should you feel a sense of responsibility to a prospective hirer or other contact who helped you obtain a job offer? Yes, but not to the degree that you decline your preferred job. Try to stay in touch with the executive whose offer you turned down. You may be able to work with her or refer a candidate to her later in your career.

And if your father’s friend helped you receive an offer for a position that you don’t want. It’s ok to turn it down- he understands that you need to select the job that is best for you. The experienced professionals realize- That’s Business.